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       Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York City on October 27, 1858. He was the second of the four children. Theodore was a puny kid when he was little and suffered from asthma. This kept him from being able to get out and plays like other kids.

       When Theodore was about 12, his father told him that he would need a strong body to give his mind a chance to develop fully. The next year, while alone on a trip to Maine, Theodore was beaten by two big bullies. He felt ashamed because he was not strong enough to fight back. Roosevelt’s father built a gymnasium in the family home, and Theodore exercised there regularly. He overcame his asthma and built up unusual phy­sical strength. He studied under tutors until he entered Har­vard in 1876. He earned good grades. The 22 -year-old Roosevelt started his career as a politician, right after finish­ing his Harvard law degree.

       Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most well liked Presi­dents America has ever had. He was the youngest man to be­come president at 42 years old. Roosevelt became president in 1901 after, the President of the USA, William McKinley was assassinated. Roosevelt started from the bottom, but he would eventually earn the respect of the Americans. Though he was not perfect, Theodore Roosevelt was a very intelligent man, a family man.

        Theodore Roosevelt was a devoted father and husband. His first wife passed away at an early age. After the death of his wife, Roosevelt would remarry and eventually have five more kids with his new wife. Theodore Roosevelt was the first Pre­sident to raise a young family in the White House. President Roosevelt was a very large and muscular man, but he also had brains to match his brawns. Roosevelt wrote a four volume historical set dealing with the wars of 1812. He also wrote bio­graphies of Thomas Hart Benton and Oliver Cromwell.

          Roosevelt was also known to read three to four books a day. By the time he left office, Roosevelt had written thirty-eight books and 150,000 letters.

         Roosevelt was the first U.S. President to eat dinner with an African American in the White House. He did what he thought was best for the people. Roosevelt’s mother was south­ern, his father was from the north, and he was considered a westerner. After the death of his wife and mother in 1884, Roosevelt left politics. He ran two cattle ranches on the Little Missouri River in the Dakota Territory. The rough life and endless activity of a rancher helped him to recover. Wearing cowboy clothes, Roosevelt often spent 14 to 16 hours a day in the saddle.

         Theodore Roosevelt was a cowboy, a boxer, a father, and most important, a President of the United States.

          In 1919, Theodore would pass away at his home in Oyster Bay, New York.





  1. What kind of kid was Theodore?
  2. How did Theodore become physically strong?
  3. When did Theodore Roosevelt start his career as a poli­tician?
  4. When did Roosevelt become president?
  5. How many books had the president written by the time he Left office?
  6. What was Theodore Roosevelt popular for?
  7. What helped Roosevelt to overcome the death of his wife and mother?




puny — хилый

to suffer from — страдать от чего-либо

bully — хулиган

to feel (past felt, p.p. felt) ashamed — стыдиться

to overcome (past overcame, p.p. overcome) — осилить; превозмочь

strength — сила

tutor — репетитор, домашний учитель

degree — ученая степень

to assassinate — убить

eventually — в конце концов

devoted — преданный

to pass away — скончаться, умереть

brain — мозг

brawn — мускул

to leave (past left, p.p. left) office — покинуть пост, долж­ность

volume — объем

naval — военно-морской

to recover — поправиться


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