Future Actions in when / if-Clauses

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1.      I can give Bob the message if I (see) him.

A will see

B see


2.      If I (hear) any news, I (phone) you.

A will hear, will phone

B will hear, phone

C hear, will phone


3.      If the weather (be) fine tomorrow, we are going to have a picnic.

A is

B will be


4.      Hurry up! If you (catch) a taxi, you (meet) Mary at the station.

A catch, will meet

B will catch, meet

C will catch, will meet


5.      When I (arrive) in Manchester next week, I (phone) you.

A will arrive, will phone

B will arrive, phone

C arrive, will phone


6.      If he (not / be) busy tomorrow morning, he probably (give) you a lift.

A isn't busy, will probably give

B won't be, will probably give

C won't be, probably gives


7.      Call for an ambulance if he (feel) worse.

A will feel

B feels

C feel


8.      Mrs. Clay (go) shopping today if she (finish) her work earlier than usual.

A goes, will finish

B will go, will finish

C will go, finishes


9.      Watch the football match on TV at 11 p.m. if you (stay) at home tonight.

A will stay

B stay

C would stay


10.  I'm tired, but if you (make) me strong coffee I (go on) working.

A will make, go on

B will make, will go on

C make, will go on


11.  If Dad (buy) a new car, we (go) to the sea-side by car next summer.

A buy, will go

B buys, will go

C will buy, go


12.  If they (want) your advice, they (get) in touch with you.

A will want, will get

B want, will get

C want, get


13.  We (have) time for tea if he (be) in time.

A will have, will be

B have, will be

C will have, is


14.  If you (be) late, I can walk your dog.

A will be

B are


15.  If you (eat) less bread, you (lose) weight.

A eat, will lose

B will eat, will eat

C will eat, lose


16.  If Pete (go jogging), he (forget) about his health problems.

A goes jogging, will forget

B will go jogging, forgets

C go jogging, will forget


17.  Could you ask Bab to phone me if you (see) her tomorrow?

A see

B will see


18.  If our team (work) hard, we (not / lose) the next game.

A will work, won't lose

B works, won't lose

C work, won't lose


19.  Your parents (worry) if you (be) late in the evening.

A will worry, will be

B are worry, will be

C will worry, are


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