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        Sport plays such a large part in British life that many idi­oms in the English language have come from the world of sport. For example, «that’s not cricket» means «that’s not fair» and «to play the game» means «to be fair». The most popular sport in England is football. A lot of people support their local clubs at matches on Saturday afternoons or watch the matches on television.

        The football league in England and Wales has four divi­sions. Each division contains twenty teams. There are two main prizes each season. The football league championship is won by the team that is top of the first division. The final of this competition takes place every May at the famous Wembley sta­dium in London. Some of the best-known clubs in England are Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal. But many clubs have problems with money at the moment. Some people say that the league is too big and that the players get paid too much. Others say that television is making the crowds stay at home.

        Sport has for a long time been a very important part of a child’s education in Britain, not just — as you may think to develop physical abilities, but also to provide a certain kind of moral education. Team games encourage such social qualities as enthusiasm, cooperation, loyalty ahd unselfishness.






1. Sport play's a large part in British life, doesn’t it?

2. What is the most popular sport in England?

3. How many divisions does league in England and Wales have?

4. What are the most famous football clubs in England?

5. What role does sport play in a child’s education?





idiom — идиома

to support — поддерживать

local — местный

league — лига

loyalty — преданность

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