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                    Robert Burns, a famous and popular Scottish poet, was born in 1759.

                  Burns was born in a family of a poor farmer. Robert was the eldest of seven children, so he had to help his father on the farm. His father William Burns was a kind person who loved and understood people. So Robert learned to love and respect people from his father. His mother had a beautiful voice and often sang songs and told many folk-tales to her children. Rob­ert remembered mother’s songs and stories all his life.

                  His father wanted Robert to be an educated person and sent him to school at the age of 6. Robert liked reading books. His favourite writer was Shakespeare.

                At the age of 15 he started to write poems. He wrote about people, about everyday life. The heroes of his mother’s stories became the heroes of his poems.

                In 1777 Robert moved to another town where he organized a society of young people. They discussed moral, social and po­litical problems of that time. In 1784, his father died and Rob­ert had to work at the farm. In 1791 he had to sell the farm because he wasn’t successful at farming.

                  Feeling the injustice of the world, he protested against landlords who owned the best land in his poetry. In 1786 he published a book of his poems which soon made him popular.

               Burns took part in creating a book of old Scottish folk­songs, writing words for many melodies. Burns is the author of the words of the song «Auld Lang Syne», which Scottish people sing on the New Year Day.

                      Robert Burns died in poverty at the age of 37.





1. When was Robert Burns born?

2. Who taught him to love people?

3. When did he started writing poems?

4. What did he write about?

5. Was he a successful farmer?

6. What famous Scottish song did he write words to?




eldest — старший

folk-tales — народные сказания

successful — преуспевающий

injustice — несправедливость

landlord — помещик

poverty — бедность

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