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            Talking about Great Britain, we do not have to forget its history. Now I would like to tell you a few words about “prehistoric history”. The very first remains of the existence of people on the territory of present Great Britain referred to an unwritten history of Britain.

            The geographical position was both a blessing and a problem: on the one hand, the insular position protected the country from invasions; and on the other – the lowland facing the continent always invited invasions.

            The greatest material monument of the ancient civilization of the British Isles is Stonehenge, a monumental stone circle and a memorial of the Stone Age culture.

            The first inhabitants are believed to be hunters of the Old Stone Age who came from the Continent, to be followed by new waves of emigrants. The most interesting fact is that the hunters of that time could get there by land, because in the past the British Isles were the part of the Continent. But it is a theory. By the end of the Stone Age there lived people who were farmers and already used metal.

            The beginning of the Stone Age coincided with the arrival of new invaders, mainly from the territory of the present France. They were the Celts. Reputed to be tall, fair and well built, they were good craftsmen. Their dialects were imposed on the native population: the Gaelic form was spread in Ireland and Scotland and the Briton in England and Wales. It was the Briton tribe of the Celts that gave its name to the whole country.

            The culture of Celts in the Iron Age was not altogether barbaric. Their Priests, they called themselves the Druids, were skilful in teaching and administration.






1.   What is the greatest material monument of the ancient civilization of the British Isles?

2.    Who were the first inhabitants?

3.    Who landed the Isle in the beginning of the Stone Age?

4.    What dialects were imposed on the native population?

5.    Who were the Druids?






to forget – забывать

prehistoric – доисторический

remain – остатки, следы прошлого

existence – существование, наличие

to refer – иметь отношение, относиться; касаться

blessing – благословение

insular – островной (расположенный на острове)

invasion – вторжение, нашествие, агрессия; набег

to invite – приглашать, звать

Stonehenge – Стоунхендж

inhabitant – житель, обитатель

to believe – думать, полагать

the Old Stone Age – поздний каменный век

to coincide – совпадать, совмещаться

arrival – прибытие

the Celts – кельты

fair – светлый, белокурый

craftsman – мастер

dialect – диалект; наречие; говор

to impose – облагать (налогом и т. п.);  налагать (ограничения и т.п.); навязать (on)

Gaelic – гэльский

to spread – разносить(ся), распространять

Briton – бритонский

tribe – племя; клан, род

the Iron Age – железный век

barbaric – варварский; первобытный

priest – священник, жрец

the Druids – друиды

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