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        Usually we see films either in the cinema or on the TV. But from time to time I go to the cinema. My favourite film is «War and Peace». The script of the film was written by Sergey Bon­darchuk and W. Solowjew. The Leningrad (now Sankt Peters­burg) ballet-dancer Ludmila Saweljiewa played the main part.

         She played this role wonderfully. The other parts were played by A. Ktorov (old Bolkonsky), O. Tabakov (Nikolai), I. Skobzeva (Helena).

       Borodino struggle, hunting, the first ball of Natasha made a great impression on me.

       My favourite film is «The Fate of a Man». This film is ex­cellent. It is difficult to find other words to describe it. It has enormous vigour and delicacy, it is full of purity and hope.

         ...A man is caught in the storm of war and loses everything. Black clouds surround him, and yet he finds strength to bear up with if all; he finds strength to adopt a child, a destitute, helpless creature...» Al1 the great events and the feelings aroused are depicted with taste, tact and restraint. I wish to draw attention particularly to the extraordinary performance of the boy. Even if the film has no other merits, the child scenes, so subtle, profound and lifelike, so full of tragic vi­gour — these scenes alone would win Bondarchuk the reputa­tion of a great director.





enormous — огромный, ужасный

vigour — сила, энергия

delicacy — деликатность, щепетильность

purity — чистота, непорочность

to bear up — держаться стойко

destitute — лишенный чего-либо, нуждающийся

to arouse — возникать, появляться

to depict — изображать, описывать

restraint — сдержанность, самообладание

merit — достоинство

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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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