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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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           My family is not too big and I can not say that it is small. It consists of my dad, my mom, my sister and my brother. My mom’s name is Galina. She is a housewife. She is 39. My dad’s name is Stanislav. He is 42. He is a businessman. He has got his own company. My dad is a very busy man. He works too much. My sister is fifteen. She is a schoolgirl. My elder bro­ther is a student. He is twenty. We live in a nine-storeyed buil­ding on the seventh floor. Our apartment has four rooms. My school is not too far from my home. I like to go to school. But I do not like to wake up early. I have many friends there. I have my own computer at home. I like my computer and I like to play games on my computer. I go to school five days a week. We have got a pet. It Is a dog. His name is Boony. I like our Boony. He is a very smart and ridiculous dog. He is four.





1.  How big is this family?

2.  Who are the parents?

3.  Where does the family live?

4.   How many days a week does the boy go to school?

5.   What is the pet’s name?





to consist of — состоять из

housewife — домохозяйка

busy — занятый, деловой

storey — этаж

to wake up — просыпаться

pet — домашнее животное

smart — умный, сообразительный

ridiculous — смешной


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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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Цена: 100 руб.
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