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         I would like to tell you about telecommunications and their future.

        We can not deny the role of telecommunications in our life. The Internet, phones, telegraph, cell phones, radio, television, satellite television, video cell phones are all the means of com­munication or telecommunication. Nowadays we live in infor­mation era, when information is the key and engine of progress. Our society needs to develop means of information exchange for its future developing and growth that is why all types of telecommunication are under the permanent develo­ping.

           Future is speed and power. New technologies in electro­nics continue to develop. Computers become more compact, faster and inexpensive. Technology exerts revolutionary in­fluence on society only when it is universal. Real revolution in manufacture, accumulation, treatment of matter began when first universal machines appeared and telecommunica­tion systems were created. In ancient machines energy source was combined with machine itself, but in process of develop­ment, division of manufacture, new means of transmission and consumption of energy took place.

           Revolutionary modifications in use of energy connected with appearance of universal electric machines and power grids, social changes to informational society are observed in all the countries.

           On base of analogy between matter, energy and informa­tion we can have ideas about future. Earlier, for example, num­ber of manufactured metal played the strategic role and was the description of development. Now we save metal, energy and we think about energy saving technologies.

        It is very difficult to predict many steps of telecommuni­cation development. Telecommunications change world very much and probably will change the human being.






1. What means of telecommunication do you know?

2. Why are all types of telecommunication under the per­manent developing?

3. What is the engine of progress nowadays?

4. Can we connect to the Internet using our cell phone to­day?

5. What was invented late in the nineteenth century?

6. Are social changes to informational society observed in all the countries?

7. Why do we develop the telecommunication system?





telecommunications — телекоммуникация, дальняясвязь

to deny — отрицать, отказываться от

cell phone — мобильный телефон

exchange — обмен

to develop — развивать, совершенствовать

growth — прирост, рост

permanent — постоянный

compact — компактный

to exert — оказывать влияние

revolutionary — революционный

influence — воздействие, влияние

manufacture — производство

treatment — обработка

ancient — древний, старый

source — источник

to combine — комбинировать

transmission — передача

consumption — потребление

modification — модификация, усовершенствование, из­менение

powergrids — энергетические системы

to observe — наблюдать

description — описание

to predict — предсказывать, предвидеть

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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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Цена: 100 руб.
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