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            Commonwealth of Nations is a union of nations. It consists of the United Kingdom and all former members of the British Empire, except Mozambique. All of the members are indepen­dent countries in every aspect of domestic and external affairs but who, for historical reasons, accept the British monarch as the symbol of the free association of its members and as such the head of the Commonwealth.

            The term British Commonwealth began to be used after World War I when the military help given by the dominions and colonies to Britain had enhanced their status. Their inde­pendence, apart from the formal allegiance to the crown, was asserted at the Imperial Conference of 1926 and given legal authority by the Statute of Westminster in l931. The power of independent decision by Commonwealth countries was evi­dent in 1939 when they decided whether or not they wished to support Britain in World War II. After World War II the con­cept became obsolete, as the British Commonwealth began to include countries that became republics and did not owe alle­giance to the crown, though accepting the monarch as symbo­lic head of the Commonwealth. Hence its composition had changed and the name of British Commonwealth was changed to Commonwealth of Nations. It was adopted in 1949.






1.      What is Commonwealth of Nations?

2.      When did the term British Commonwealth begin to be used?

3.      When and where was the independence of all members of this Commonwealth asserted?

4.      Why did the concept British Commonwealth become ob­solete after World War II ?

5.      When was the name Commonwealth of Nations adopted?





Commonwealth of Nations — Содружество наций

former – бывший

Mozambique — Мозамбик

domestic — домашний

monarch — монарх

dominion — доминион

to enhance — увеличивать, усиливать; улучшать

Imperial Conference — Имперская конференция

authority — власть

evident — явный, очевидный; ясный, наглядный, несом­ненный

to support — поддерживать

obsolete — устарелый, старый; ненужный, вышедший из употребления

to owe — быть обязанным; быть должным

allegiance — лояльность, верность, преданность

hence — поэтому, следовательно

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